国际海运专业术语 -j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

b/l-----bill of loading提单
hb/l-----house bill of loadin代理提单/子提单/分提单/无船承运人提单等
mb/l-----masterbillofloading船东单 也作:sea b/l;ocean b/l;
swb/l-----sea way bill海运单
on board b/l, shipped b/l-----已装船提单
received for shipment b/l-----收货待运提单
straight b/l-----记名提单
order b/l-----指示提单
clean b/l-----清洁提单
direct b/l-----直达提单
transhipment b/l转船提单
combined transport b/l----- (intermodaltransport b/l, multimodal transport b/l) 多式联运提单
advanced b/l-----预借提单
anti-dated b/l-----倒签提单
switch b/l-----转换提单
vanning/ stuffing----装货
unvanning / unstuffing----卸货
cy to cy----港到港服务
door to door----门到门服务
a/f----air freight 空运
fcl----full container load 整箱货
lcl----less than container load 拼箱散货
cfs----containerfreightstation 集装箱货物集散站
cy-----containeryard 集装箱堆场
shpr-----shipper 发货人
cnee-----consignee 收货人
ntfy-----notify party 通知人
poa-----por place of acceptance/ place of receipt 收货地
pol-----port of loading 装货港
pod-----place of discharge/ place of delivery 卸货地
dest-----destination 目的港
o/b-----on board date 上船日
b/d-----back date 到签(日
sailing date-----开航日
shipping mark-----唛头
cbm----cubic metre立方米
gwt----gross weight毛重
pol----port of loading起运港
pod----port of discharge卸货港
ams----advancemanifest system 反恐舱单
aci----advance commercial information 反恐舱单(加拿大)
ens----entry summary declaration 入境申报简要(欧盟)
isps----international ship and port facility security code 港口安保费
isf-----importer security filing 进口安检费
r/t----revenue tons 计费吨
baf-----bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费
caf-----currency adjustmentfactor 货币调节附加费
faf----fueladjustmentfactor 燃料附加费
gri----generalrateincreasing 旺季附加费/综合费率上涨
pss----peak seasonsurcharge 旺季附加费
orc----originreceivingcharge 始发港附加费
pcs----portcongestionsurcharge 港口拥挤附加费
w.r.s.-----warriskssurcharges 战争附加费
yas-----yenadditionalsurcharges 日圆调整附加费
rr-----rate restoration 运费调整
ddc-----destination delivery charge 目的港码头费 (美国适用)
thc-----terminal handling charge 码头费
uifa-----usd impact freight adjustment 美圆变动附加费
rr-----rate restoration 运费调整
fak-----freight all kinds 不分品名运费
document transfer fee-----换单费
c/n credit note-----应付帐款
d/n debit note-----应收帐款
soc----shipper’s own container 货主箱
coc----carrier’s own container 船公司箱
teu-----twenty foot equivalent unit 20尺标准集装箱计费单位
feu-----forty feet equivalent unit 40尺标准集装箱计费单位
gp-----general purpose 普通用途
dc-----dry container 干柜
hq-----forty fee high cube 40' 加高货柜
n.o.r-----non operating reffer container 冷冻代用柜/冷高代平箱
fr-----flat rack 框架箱/脚架式折叠平板
rf-----reefer container 冷柜
rh-----reefer h/c 超高冷柜
ot-----open top container 开顶柜
tk-----tank 罐式柜
l/c-----letter of credit 信用证
t/t-----telex transfer 电汇
c&f/ cfr-----cost and freight 成本 运费
cif-----cost,insurance and freight 成本 保险 运费
fob-----free on board 离岸价
exw-----ex works 工厂交货价
cpt-----carriage paid to 运输付费到指定地点
cip-----carriage & insurance paid to 运输及保险付费到指定地点
ddu-----delivery duty unpaid 目的地关税未付
ddp-----delivery duty paid 目的地关税已付
c/o-----certificateoforigin 产地来源证
e.l.-----exportlicence 出口许可证
l/c-----letterofcredit 信用证
loi-----letter of indemnity 保函,也称损害赔偿保证书
nvocc-----non-vessel operating common carrier 无船承运人
s/c-----service contract 合同
s/o-----shipping order 订舱号
bkg-----booking 订舱单
t/t-----transit time 中转时间/ 航程
arrival notice-----到货通知 (进口适用)
partial shipment-----分批装运
exchange rate-----汇率
shipping schedule-----船期表
clp container load plan-----装柜计划
closing date / cut off date-----截关日
d/o-----delivery order 提货单,也称小提单
d/r-----dock’s recript 场站收据
eir(e/r) -----equipment interchangereceipt 设备交接单
clp-----container load plan集装箱装箱单
